This is linear perspective because it shows one vanishing point and it looks really cool.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Megans perspective
This is linear perspective because it shows one vanishing point and it looks really cool.
Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find-
either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it
deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why.

This peace of art represents a very simple, but creative way of using two point perspective drawing. The common style of the buildings makes the drawing easy to understand, however shading of the buildings and shadows with the close parrellel lines gives it a comic/cartoon look. All of the buildings were drawn at the right angles and with the different sizes and architecture, the city looks like was drawn by someone sitting there looking down at it. Extremely simple, but very interesting to look at.
This peace of art represents a very simple, but creative way of using two point perspective drawing. The common style of the buildings makes the drawing easy to understand, however shading of the buildings and shadows with the close parrellel lines gives it a comic/cartoon look. All of the buildings were drawn at the right angles and with the different sizes and architecture, the city looks like was drawn by someone sitting there looking down at it. Extremely simple, but very interesting to look at.
Linear Perspective
Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find-
either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it
demonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why.
This photo, taken by Shaun O'Brien, I found to be the most impressive example of perspective art. This type of perspective demonstrates linear perspective. The photo uses lines to create a photo. The lines lead to a one point perspective that is placed in the center of the photo. The sets of windows and lines on the straight escalator follow to the end point of the one point perspective in the center of the photo. Therefore, this is an impressive one-point, linear perspective.
Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find-
either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it
deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why.
This photo is casual perspective. The fountain looks bigger then the tower. The tower is actually bigger. It demonstrates close objects looking bigger then the ones in the back.
This photo is casual perspective. The fountain looks bigger then the tower. The tower is actually bigger. It demonstrates close objects looking bigger then the ones in the back.
This picture deomonstrates casul perspective because the plane seems bigger then the island but acutally smaller. It seems this way because the plane is closer to see than the island.
This photograph deomonstrates casual perspective. This is because the object closer (the girl) looks a similars size to the building further back because of the distance between the two.
Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find-
either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it
deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why.

The perspective drawing is causual, because the point on the pencil looks bigger then the background since the point is closer to me. And the horizon line is also fading.
The perspective drawing is causual, because the point on the pencil looks bigger then the background since the point is closer to me. And the horizon line is also fading.
Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find-
either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it
deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why.
This picture would demonstrates linear lines, because it shows the lines leading to the main event of the picture. it leads your eyes to the middle of the picture.
This picture would demonstrates linear lines, because it shows the lines leading to the main event of the picture. it leads your eyes to the middle of the picture.
This is an impressive example of perspective art because it is a drawing that has every single detail and line go straight to the vanishing points. It has many kinds of linear perspective by using many different lines and on the top it even represents atmospheric perspective by using clouds to create a whole new perspective
This is an example of impressive perspective drawing because it shows the perpective of the Effiel Tower from far away and it compares it to the hand. This is an example of atmospheric perspective because it shows the size of the Effiel Tower from a far point. The hand is obviously not the size of the Effiel Tower, the two items are at different perspective.
Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find- either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why.
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